The women and men of Dinalupihan Water District are committed to deliver safe and affordable water with respect to the environment and integrate gender-responsive culture to the customers and organization.
We, Dinalupihan Water District, are committed to enhance gender responsive activities that will help strengthen the organization by engaging both women and men in the gender mainstreaming consultation and processes of agency.
GAD Goals
- Increased participation of both the concessionaires and organization in the proper utilization of water.
- Utilize all possible water sources including modern and advanced technology.
- Inclusion of gender-related topics to orientations and other consultative activities.
- Strengthening the organizational capacity through capability training activities.
GAD Policies
- Board Resolution No. 20 Series of 2020: Resolution Approving and Adopting the New Gender and Developments (GAD) Vision, Mission and Goals of Dinalupihan Water District
- Board Resolution No. 31 Series of 2018 Resolution for the Approval of the Policy on the Use of Gender Neutral Terms in Official Communications of Dinalupihan Water District
- Board Resolution No. 30 Series of 2018: Resolution for the Approval of Collection, Generation and Maintenance of Sex-Disaggregated Data for all Major Programs of Dinalupihan Water District
- Board Resolution No. 29 Series of 2018: Resolution for the Approval of the Policy on the Integration of an Individual's Sex (Male or Female) in all Dinalupihan Water District Forms